Friday, June 11, 2010


I'm the type of girl who watches pretty much every single movie there is! ( I buy the best; and scrap the rest. ) Looking for plot holes is my specialty; grammar obviously is not. I tend to rip on movies harder than anyone else out there. Why? Because I feel like it should be someone's job to let you (The Public) know exactly what you are missing. I feel like someone should tell you how it is; without a biased (paid) opinion.

Hollywood should have hired me when they had the chance.

Here I'll be slashing everything apart. From movies you love to movies you can't stand. If you are of the sensitive nature please grow a backbone. I love opinions (but it doesn't mean I'll comply to them). I am stubborn to the core, but if you make a valid point (and I mean valid) I will inhale it and hold my breath on it for awhile, and give you my honest opinion; or even congratulate you for having said valid opinion.

I'm not going to tell you I loved a movie and leave it at that. I'm not going to upsell you on a film and tell you to watch it. If I think it stunk like a dead skunk on the road I'll tell you. If you throw hater comments at me I'll make sure to note who those with the less intelligent I.Q.'s are and move on. If you throw "BUT YOU DIDN'T SEE IT IN 3-D!" excuse at me I will simply tell you this "You don't have to see a movie in 3-D to know it sucked both ways." Plots tell all, and so do I.

Saving you money,
The Cinematic Slasher

P.S. To the Public
If you would like me to review a movie (if I haven't already seen it.) Let me know which movies you would like reviewed. At the moment I'm reviewing some of the recent films released.

P.S.S. To Fan Fiction Writers
Like I said I do find plot holes, if you are writing a Fan Fiction and need an idea for the movie you love but can't exactly fit your own characters into it? Drop me a line, I'll let you know where you need to be! Just give me some credit here okay?

On another note: It is called The Cinematic Slasher fora reason. However I will not hesitate to give my opinions on other things within this Blog. So please be ready, if you get offended easily than just stay clear away from me, because it is within my god given right to offend anything and everything.

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