Saturday, June 19, 2010


Personal Thoughts.
LARP: Live Action Role Play

There is a video on Youtube that (and I won’t post it up here to protect them) portrays people actually dressing up as Na’vi and Role Playing as them.

They toilet papered a large tree to mimic (The Tree of Life), and instead of given themselves Na’vi like names (because lets face it there is no Na’vi speaking dictionary to help these nerds out). Gave each other Tolken (Writer of Lord of the Rings) names (because there is a dictionary to help those nerds out in speaking the Elf’ language). Does anyone find this as ridiculous as I do?

I wasn’t a giant fan of AVATAR (That was obvious by my review) but these people have no concept of what the movie was trying to portray in the first place. Littering to the Na’vi is a crime so why TP the tree? I understand the need to express oneself but …come on…Legolas as a Na’vi name?

They tried to sell you what they were doing on Youtube as a positive thing but they need to get there information straight in order to function as a credible LARP group.

The Fortune Cookie for these people says: You stupid. Like a Baby. Always making noise.

Upcoming Movie Reviews:
The Karate Kid
The Prince of Persia

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